How do Refugees Make the Economy Better Off?

There’s a common misconception that refugees bring the economy down and put additional strain on it. This is far from the truth. Refugees are good for the economy, and the country is better off with the participation of these hardworking individuals. All legally registered refugees contribute to society and are responsible for increasing the country’s […]

The Role of Education in Somali Refugee Community Resettlement

Stacked multicolored books.

Education is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of furthering the refugee community and helping them resettle. These people have uprooted their entire lives and moved to a new place to build their identities from scratch. In this regard, the one thing that can surely help them is education. With access to proper education, […]

3 Drawbacks of Having a Language Barrier

Group of women working together.

According to UNHCR, more than 100 million people have been displaced from their home countries due to local problems such as civil war, food insecurity, and terrorism. To that end, these people have been forced to start from scratch in a new country and build an identity for themselves. On top of the pressure of moving, […]

How You Can Help Somali Refugees in Ohio

Somali refugees seeking training

Did you know Columbus has the second-largest Somali community in the United States with about 45,000 to 50,000 Somali refugees in Columbus, Ohio? For the longest time, the United States has been a safe place for refugees globally, offering them an opportunity to rebuild their lives in protection. Amongst various refugees who’ve found the US a […]

Mental Health Issues Somali Refugees Have to Fight

Somali refugees in Ohio

Thousands of Somali refugees have moved to various countries, such as Kenya, Yemen, Ethiopia, the United States, the United Kingdom, etc., to escape from the worsening conditions in Somalia. In the United States, Columbus has the second-largest Somali community, with about 45,000 to 50,000 Somali refugees in Columbus, Ohio. Thanks to these countries, Somali refugees have […]

5 Steps to Start Volunteering In Your Community

Volunteers handing out medicines

Volunteering for causes that you feel passionately about is a great way to spend your time, grow as a person, and feel fulfilled. If you’re in search of activities that can help you become more compassionate, volunteering is your best option. Needless to say, it’s not just going to help the cause you’re working towards, […]

Top 3 Facts about Living Conditions in Somalia

Aerial shot of unrest in Mogadishu

Somalia is a poverty-stricken country with problems that seem to have gotten out of control. After seeing years of instability, Somalis have dispersed worldwide in an attempt to escape their problems. While we may see the Somali diaspora around us, there’s very little known about them or why they fled their country. Here are the […]

Somali Refugee Crisis: Why You Should Care?

Somali refugees and volunteers

The term refugee comes from the word “refuge,” which means a safe shelter in which a person resides when in need of protection. The term was initially used for Protestants who fled France when the Edict of Nantes was revoked in 1685. Fast forward to today, refugees are defined as people who are forced to […]

Affordable Housing Crisis: Big Problem for Somali Refugees in Ohio

Youth initiative program by Somali Community Link in Ohio

Everyone deserves to have a living space that they can call home. What is a decent living space for you? A house with individual rooms, a living room for everyone to share and enjoy at, and a dining area? It’s not the same for refugees since all they want is a decent home where all […]